To My Dearest Amelia,
Hello, soul friends! It has been a while since I had written my own personal blog here, and in the essence of transparency, I would like...

FAQ: Poverty & Spirituality
Hello, lovely souls! I have been a bit swamped with life so I haven't really had too much time to devote to writing and updating more...

How To - Find the Right Practitioner
Hello, friends! I didn't realize it has been so long since I added some different types of posts - but since I had to do an overhaul of...

2020 New Readings + Wisio
Hello, lovely soul friends! I have added a few new reading styles and other offerings to my shop! Use code AAM100 to receive 10% off any...

How To - Manifestation Challenge
Hello, dearest friends! As promised, I said I would dedicate more time and space to creating more valuable content that covers a lot of...

My Story - CliffsNotes Edition
Hello, friends! I didn't realize it has been so long since I added some different types of posts - but since I had to do an overhaul of...

Doreen Virtue and Me
As you may know, there has been a lot of turmoil for the last few years in the spiritual community that someone who many viewed as a...

When It Hurts
Hello, soul friends! It has been a while since I had written my own personal blog here, and in the essence of transparency, I would like...

The Mother Wound
Hello, soul friends! It has been a while since I had written my own personal blog here, and in the essence of transparency, I would like...

Healing. Is. Not. Linear.
Hello, soul friends! It has been a while since I had written my own personal blog here, and in the essence of transparency, I would like...

Numerology - Personal Year Number
Hello, lovelies! As we complete 2017, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to include a fun way of looking towards 2018 by using...

Answering Your Questions
Hello, dear friends! I have missed writing and decided to make a space on my website where I answer your questions from Facebook and...

Ascension and Shifting
Hello, my lovely soul friends! How is Ascension treating you? This shifting has been unreal, right? I know a lot of us have been going...