Card Drawing January 31, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your day was truly magical! Today we had the Super Blue Blood Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo, so let's see...

Card Drawing January 28, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was magical! Today's guidance comes from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue. Which...

Card Drawing January 21, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was magical! Today's guidance comes from the Rebel Deck and the Universal Mind Oracle deck by...

Card Drawing January 16, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your day is magical! We are having a snow day here in Houston and today we have the New Moon in Capricorn,...

Card Drawing January 14, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was wonderful. Today's guidance comes from the Oracle of Echoes deck by Ana Tourian. Which card(s)...

Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish
Hello, soul friends! Today's review is covering a deck that caught my attention for it's beautiful and interesting artwork. It is another...

Card Drawing January 7, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was wonderful. Happy New Year! I hope that 2018 treats you all well, and that you find more peace...

How To - Forgive
Hello, dearest friends! As promised, I said I would dedicate more time and space to creating more valuable content that covers a lot of...

How To - Deck Interview
Hello, my loves! Thanks for checking out my blog post and website. I am still tweaking the appearance and also adding new content that I...

Gospel of Aradia Oracle by Stacey Demarco
Hello, soul friends! Today's review is covering a deck that caught my attention for it's beautiful Jimmy Manton's artwork, which I have...

2018 - Oracle Tarotscopes
Hello, my gorgeous soul friends! I hope that your 2017 has been gentle and that you are moving into the lovely energies of 2018 as we...