Card Drawing March 1, 2020
Good day, soul friends! Happy March, my lovely fam! Hope your week was wonderful. I have been very busy the last few weeks and feeling rundown so I hope I don't get too sick this time around - this winter season has been awful for illness! Looking for a bit of laughter, so going to use the self-described, "disgustingly relatable tarot deck" to bring us a bit of magic during Mercury Retrograde.
Today's guidance comes from The Tarot Mood deck by Natalie Meraki from Tarot Mood (@tarotmood).
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you selected Card 1:
Two of Pentacles - "Keeping an even balance." You are busy at work and play, juggling the many facets of your life, actively laying the foundation for what is to come. From your internal to external worlds you are feeling uplifted and yet stretched. The Two of Pentacles speaks of balance - and the finding of balance inside your world. Connect with and listen to the energies of your projects, work, and home life, and move with their currents and tides. Keep the balance between our personal life and inner worlds and your work, visions and projects. It may be a time where it feels as though you take one step forward and two steps back, or two steps forward and one step back. Do not fret, this is what it is like to move with the creative currents of your life. Trust that this will harmonize and balance out as you adjust to the blossoming changes in your life. Remain alert, aware, agile, and connected to yourself and your visions. Keep your finger to your own pulse.
If you were drawn to Card 2:
Five of Swords - "Winner or Loser." You may be having an urge to prove that you are right about something to someone - and this could be a serious waste of your time and energy. If you're right, you're right, and it doesn't matter if people believe you, generally speaking. Put your energy into more productive efforts. This represents significant learning and change, and how you handle yourself at this time is vital to your overall well-being. This card could related to a lack of sensitivity in taking action or in response to conditions or situations around you. This need for sensitivity could relate to you or someone else in your life. Even though a battle can be won, it's important to evaluate the cost and pain to both parties. Sometimes its best to surrender and walk away if no answer or victory can be achieved. Don't assign blame, become deceitful, or set out to get revenge, of this results in the negative energy becoming a part of your. You are being tested on how delicately and gently you take your next step. Remember, everything in your life is an opportunity to learn and grow.
If you chose Card 3:
Two of Cups - "Connection and balance. Yin and Yang." The Two of Cups is the archetype of balance and harmony. There is a natural ebb and flow, give and take synergy between oneself and another - bet that an intimate relationship of financial or professional harmony, ensuring there is balance within oneself and one's life. This card reflects a partnership of sorts, be it a business partnership, friendship or even a relationship between a person and their pet. This is a less mature union that, stable as it may seem, does have the potential to come undone over a longer period of time. So, while the union is strong now, it is not clear whether the relationship shown by this card can stand the test of time. Only the two people involved can decide that. Despite the focus on the two beings shown on this card, this card also points to what is happening within the individual. To be truly loved, deeply treasured and valued highly by others, you must first and foremost strive to create those feelings for yourself. That is, when you work toward loving yourself, you hold your inner spirit in high regard, treating it with deference and deep respect. When you see yourself in this positive light, other people cannot help but respond to your personal sense of value in an equally positive manner.
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!