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New Readings

Hello, lovely soul friends!

I have added a few new reading styles and other offerings to my shop and Etsy Shop! Use code JANUARY to receive 25% off any reading style at checkout, as well! :)

Here are a few of these new additions and client favorites that you can check out.

January Energies Guide + Recording

This is a guide and recording that I put together quite quickly and felt divinely guided to just sit down and hit record. I covered the current energies for January, as well as what to work on and focus on for 2019.

The 5 page guide includes the downloadable link to the 30 minute recording, and also an interpretation of cards pulled.

I look forward to offering these on a monthly basis and really reconnecting in new ways! You can purchase your own for $7.77 in my shop or Etsy.

Leo Full Moon Reiki Ceremony

This is another new offering and way to connect with clients for the moon cycles. I offered the first go for the first 2019 New Moon in Capricorn and enjoyed it so much, so decided to add it as a regular offering timed with the moon cycle.

This week we have the first Full Moon of 2019. This purchase includes Crystal Reiki with your personal intentions focused on, and a 9 page guide written by me that includes a collective card drawing, angel messages channeled by me, astrological interpretations, and also any information picked up during the reiki session.

Purchase your own in my shop for $3.33. The session will be done on January 20th at 10 PM CMT. The downloadable guide will be sent out on January 21st.

New Year Recorded Session

A new addition that is here to help you understand your monthly energies for 2019!

This is 12 cards pulled for each of the months of the year. Recordings are done and include a specific interpretation for the entire year, and usually end up around 70 minutes. A downloadable link is sent to you with a picture of your cards.

Purchase in my shop, as I am only offering these in limited quantity, and are $77.77. Listing will be removed on January 31st and not return again until December 2019.

New Year Five Card Email Reading

This is one of my shop's faves at the beginning of each year! Five cards that cover various and specific energies for the year.

All readings are sent out with reiki infused work, as well as a detailed interpretation of each of the cards in their placements.

This reading has helped so many people find the clarity in trying to figure out what they should be doing and how to practically apply some of these lessons in their current life for the beginning of the year. You can purchase yours in my shop or on Etsy for only $44.44. Limited availability and these will also disappear on January 31st from my shops.

Spirit Messages Recorded Reading

This is a newer addition to my shop and is quickly becoming a client favorite! Do you have questions about what your spirit guides have to tell you? Would you like to schedule a live session but not have the time and privacy to do so? Look no further, as this is the exact same as my live sessions - but you get to keep the recording forever!

Spirit Messages Recorded Sessions are some of my favorite ways to connect with clients and I enjoy it so much. The messages are so much fun to go through and share with each client. Recordings are usually around 30 minutes long and always a blast to connect with people.

You can purchase in my shop or Etsy and it is only $55.55!

Three Card Recorded Reading

A fun twist on a client favorite! Three Cards pulled and explained in detail. Recordings are done and sent as a downloadable link and a picture of the card spread.

These are a fun way to receive your messages and also a nice way to understand and listen the messages. You can get these in my Etsy shop or my shop here for $44.44.

So those are a few of my client favorites, best sellers, and also some new readings I have added to the shop! I hope you guys enjoy them and order a personalized reading from me soon!

Much love and light, soul friends!

Black Sky


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