Good day, soul friends! I can't believe we are already halfway through July! I hope you all have had a lovely week and enjoyed the New Moon and Eclipse.
Today's guidance comes from the Wisdom from the Hidden Realms Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you selected Card 1:
The Lady of the Gift - Generosity, receiving, withholding
The Lady of the Gift brings a message of tithing. To be your Ally, she requires you to look at the nature and method of your giving to others. The world is your church, and you only need to distribute 10 percent of your wealth to others to ensure that the flow continues.
Yet, this does not necessarily mean giving money away, nor does it imply a direct action of charity, even though the tradition of tithing is material. In fact, the kind of tithing the Lady asks of you is not tangible or material as all. She is asking you to look at all human beings as important in the Divine scheme of things and show others that you believe in them.
Pay attention to how you treat people, and be mindful of your perception, even of seemingly “poor” strangers. If you see others as successful and abundant, and act as if you believe they have value, blessings all around are assured. Your belief in others has greater value than you could fathom. This alone guarantees your success long term. Remember that you can only keep what you are willing to give.
If you were drawn to Card 2:
The Shadow Queen - Acquiring knowledge, Insecurity, Manipulation
The Shadow Queen tells you that too many of the details hidden behind your circumstances prevent you from moving forward quickly at this time. She has come with a lantern to help shed light on what is concealed within you or your situation. This is the time to wait for more to be revealed.
Perhaps you lack clarity and the knowledge of how to proceed with the subject of your inquiry. It's time to educate yourself a little more about your intention and then put that information to work for you. The Shadow Queen asks that you dig deep to gain strength and that you have the courage to ask someone "in the know" to shed light on your circumstances. She promises to send that person to you. Beware of moving too quickly in the dark, as you will likely trip and fall and have to start again.
If you chose Card 3:
The Diamond Dreamer - Material Wealth, True Prosperity
When the Diamond Dreamer arrives, he represents the successful manifestation of the unseen into the material. Be sure you truly want what you think you desire, for this Ally will commit to getting it for you. All manner of conditions will flow around you; messages from Spirit will serve to guide you toward achieving your hearts' desires. If you want a house, you'll be led to it. If your priority is a new job, with the right continual steps, you will achieve this. If you desire a more harmonious relationship, the measures needed to create this will be obvious.
A project finally pays off. Material gain and positive financial shifts may also be on the way. You will, indeed, see the tangible results of your ambition. The Diamond Dreamer also serves to guide you to the appropriate choices so that the unseen is awakened to move mountains on your behalf.
Positive communication is now possible in all of your relationships.
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!