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Card Drawing September 3, 2017

Good day, soul friends! For those who inquired, I am well and back home. My house had some minor leaks, all fixable, and my family is looking to be of service for those who truly need it.

Thank you for keeping Houston and the Texas Coast that was affected by Hurricane Harvey in your thoughts, prayers, and intentions. I hope your week was fantastic and that your weekend brought you some much needed rest. Happy Labor Day!

Today's guidance comes from the Sacred Creators Oracle deck by Chris-Anne Donnelly.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3..

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you were drawn to Card 1:

Lead Your Metamorphosis - This brings forth change, transformation, evolution, and the edge of something miraculous. This is where beauty and trust come together to help you with a breakthrough. Don't keep hiding! This isn't a time to stay small or where you are comfortable!

Metamorphosis. Change. Yep, it's that time again. And this change is going to be transformational. It's time to leave the dark cocoon behind, to break out of your shell, and to show off who you are becoming. So many times in life we choose to stay small. We choose the comfort of the warm cocoon. Even when we've grown gorgeous and are ready to take on the world in full flight... we choose the comfy zone. Have you noticed that you've chosen the comfort of the warm cocoon more than once? Choose the emerging you over the old reliable, and over the expected today.

Leading your metamorphosis is a card that reminds you that you are at the helm of your own ship of life, and you can decide how far you go and how great you become!

Change can be scary, especially when it pushes you toward the unknown. But it is required in order to flourish, to manifest, and to attract the things you want in your life.

If you selected Card 2:

Fierce Serenity - This card speaks of strength, quiet force, determination, and will-power. What does fierceness mean to you? Does it embody the qualities of warrior for you? What about your own inner warrior? Are you using the magical beauty and strength within you to tap into the true power of your nature? Fierceness is walking bravely and determinedly towards your desired destiny, even when the path is unclear and when the way may seem less traveled. Fierceness says, keep going, you (and only YOU) can do it this way FOR you!

Stand up for yourself in a lovingly peaceful way, this is how you embody serene fierceness. It is knowing that you possess the strength, will-power, and determination to weather any storm. When you make decisions based on the inner and quiet longings of your soul, you are being fierce! Are you making your purpose and integrity non-negotiables in your day-to-day life? If not, then this is the time to reconnect with your Whys and make them your Hows.

Even when our dreams and their path is challenging, we have to carry on and keep building. What gives you strength when you are feeling off-course? If you are looking for more clarity, then step back and into yourself. Find your fierce serenity! Get deeply rooted in your own truth. Become the grounding force for your life. Your power is not found in being domineering and controlling. It comes in gently easing, self-mastery, and calm serenity knowing that what is for you, will NEVER miss you.

Learn to cooperate. Be joyful in learning to overcome (and appreciate) perceived challenges and create innovative solutions that use your natural skills. Channel your loving, peaceful energy, and allow the quiet strength of your soul to shine in the face of adversity.

Remember: true power and fierceness isn't in how it is exerted over others, but something found quietly residing within our souls, urging us forward and creating peace on our path.

If you chose Card 3:

Integrate Your Knowing - This card calls for introspection, finding your soul purpose, and the benefits of spending some time alone. You should nurture your spirit. Use your innate inner-knowing, instincts, and intuition at this time. The integration of many moving parts will also play into this energy.

Don't let yourself feel alone or isolated at this time. This is a wonderful time to collaborate or reach out to others for the help you need. This is a warning to trust your gut. There is importance of recognizing your deepest goals. Don't be too much of a hermit.

Allow your inner knowing and instinct to guide you. You may call it your sixth sense, intuition, a hunch or a gut feeling - and it's time to go deep within and draw upon that inner knowing right now. What feels like the best route of action for you to take?

You are a spiritual being with animal instincts, and you've got the resources inside of you to totally rock this life. Sometimes, tapping into your innate ancient wisdom means leaving your book knowledge behind and looking at the situation anew. You may be drawing on past experiences to guide you, and it's time to focus your knowing on the present.

Don't let yesterday's feelings discolor the joy of today's possibilities!

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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