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Card Drawing June 11, 2017

Good day, soul friends! Happy Sunday, my dears! Hope this previous Full Moon was full of magic for you! I am already feeling the transformation beginning to take root and the motivation to follow through touching my soul. Onward and upward, my loves!

Today's guidance comes from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3..

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you were drawn to Card 1:

The Winged Wise Ones - Angelic Help, Miraculous Aid

Always Allies and never Challengers, the Winged Wise Ones represent the aid of all the angels. When you enter their realm, know that your sincere prayers will be answered according to the will of the Divine. This also represents Divine intervention and the potential of miracles to heal and transform as if by magic.

Have faith, whatever your circumstances: Heavenly beings are watching over you. The Winged Wise Ones give you a glimpse of the future by offering messages whispered on the wind. These are translated within you as inspired thought, instantly unraveling the past and revealing the present.

Be aware of the Higher Consciousness in you. This is a good time to observe your thoughts through meditation. Who is observing those thoughts? That Self is kin to the Winged Wise Ones, who have come to help you soar.

If you selected Card 2:

The Rainbow Prince - Compensation, Perseverance

When the Rainbow Prince appears as your Ally, he reminds you about the Law of Compensation and the Law of Receiving. After the rainstorm you have endured on your journey, the Rainbow Prince brings you a pot of gold which is the result of your using all the elements of your inner Light and reaching into the sky until you touch the material realm from one end to the other. This is not always an easy process, and hard work must be rewarded by compensation. When you align yourself with the energy of giving the highest value, your compensation is inherent in the act itself.

But the message here is more than that: the Rainbow Prince says to keep your sights on the sky after the rainstorms that may have upset your life. Follow your bliss to the pot of gold waiting for you. Perseverance pays off, and your reward will be greater than you can imagine.

If you chose Card 3:

The Well Watcher - Wisdom, Power Of The Divine

The Well Watcher signals the need to go within to contemplate the true source of power in the world – which, he reminds you, is that of the Divine. This is a message to let you know that you are being called to the Well, and this unseen power will be there and will be yours to align with.

This affirmation and prayer will invite the Divine to bring miracles and resolution into your life: “Thy will be done through me for the highest good of all and for the true manifestation of my soul purpose.”

You will know the way forward by the still, small voice within you. The Divine also may answer your call by sending others to help guide you.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

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