Angels of Atlantis by Stewart Pearce
Hello, soul friends!
Today's review is covering a deck that I found very interesting when I saw it in a Swap group. I had seen it online here and there but not too often and I found it intriguing. It has vivid imagery, bold colors, and standout artwork that really drew me to the deck.
I hope you enjoy my review and generous pictures!
Angels of Atlantis Oracle

I purchased this deck from a Tarot Swap group during one of the allowed sale days and found it to be an interesting deck. I didn't find much online to compare it to, but also was quite intrigued by that. I love Angels and have an affinity with Atlantis, so was extremely curious about this union. I liked the artistically detailed and colorful cards.
Amazon's description is:
Inspired by the 12 archangels of Atlantis, these cards represent loving, wise guides and provide powerful counsel and healing. Each card presents a universal heart virtue, which seekers can use to navigate life’s changes, blessings, and adversities, while each image alludes to the harmonious, enchanted elixir of well-being the angels bestowed upon the land. Packaged in a gorgeous box with a booklet for additional explanations and instructions, these beautiful inspirations are perfect for anyone looking for a deeper connection to the ancient realm of Atlantis.
About the author
Stewart Pearce is an angelic facilitator, a seer, a sound healer, and an internationally renowned voice coach who has held positions at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and the Drama Centre of London. He is the author of The Alchemy of Voice and The Heart's Note. Richard Crookes is an artist and an illustrator who specializes in calligraphy and digital artwork.
Master of Voice – Sound Healer – Angel Whisperer.
Legendary Sound Healer, Master of Voice, Angel Whisperer – STEWART PEARCE was the Head of Voice at the Webber Douglas Academy London from 1980-1997, helped pioneer Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre between 1997-2010, and has coached luminaries such as Eddie Redmayne, Matthew Goode, Hugh Bonneville, Mark Rylance, Minnie Driver, Vanessa Redgrave, Margaret Thatcher, Diana, Princess of Wales, and the LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC Bid, to name just a few.Being a Seer of forty years standing, Stewart has published “Angels and the Keys to Paradise”, “The Angels of Atlantis” Book & Oracle, the “Angelic Heart Sigils Oracle”, “The Hearts Note” and “The Alchemy of Voice”, alongside several award-winning recordings, such as the “Angels of Atlantis Soul Calls” & www.theangelsofatlantis.comact
My Personal Review

This Angels of Atlantis Oracle cards are meant to be used as an Oracle deck that focuses the energies of the healing angels and brings their work to focus.
This pantheon of Angels is a nice transition from fluffy angel decks. The colors are rich, vibrant, and even much more masculine feeling to me than say something from Doreen. The artwork is ethereal and modern. It looks like a blend of CGI, Photoshopped elements, and orbs. But there is not a real theme to the imagery used. More in overall tone of the cards.

The artwork was a bit different than I am used to, but I enjoyed the different messages includes with each of the card meanings. These are really unique and interesting cards. I LOVE the stones throughout. The colors are magnificent, beautifully bold, and striking against the black borders and dark backgrounds!
I was actually more impressed with them than I expected. I love the fresh images of this deck, even if the tones are much deeper than I am accustomed to. Nothing super off-putting in the images. This deck will appeal to anyone wishing to increase intuition and to get in touch with angel energies. The deck goes beyond a simple oracle deck and can be a great tool for your spiritual journey, especially when trying to connect to angel energies. The size of the cards is quite a bit larger than a traditional tarot card and the overall product dimensions: 4.2 x 1 x 5.8 inches. Findhorn Press; Crds. is who publishes the deck.

The card stock is not super thick, sticky and shiny. It does allow you get a nice bend without cracking the card stock. They don't bend too much, flake, or hold the bend. I wish the stock wasn't a super glossy and sticky type. It is hard to get good pictures without it reflecting my pasty hands like in the inserted photo. I also felt that the stickiness made it difficult to shuffle the deck smoothly. The font used is very unique, but legible.
The backs of this card make this deck not reversible. The box included is a lift-top box that fits the guidebook and cards neatly. The guidebook is pretty well done and includes a lot of information. The font is easy to read within the guidebook and it does include valuable meanings to help you connect further to the deck.

I still didn't feel like I was using an Atlantis themed deck, and it was more of an Angel deck. Perhaps these angels assist one in connecting with Atlantean energies, but as far as using this deck, I didn't feel I was submerged in the theme. I also felt that some of the cards were pretty generic and never really found myself reaching for this deck and it's guidance. I ended up selling my copy shortly after owning it a few months and not finding a viable use for it.
Overall, it has a lot of helpful information and also provides interesting and insightful readings for those trying to learn to connect with Angel energy, but I am not sure how it helps one to understand Atlantis.

My overall opinion is that this deck is a 3 star choice.
Artwork - 3 stars
Card stock - 3 stars
Ease - 3 stars
Guidebook - 4 stars
I hope that you enjoyed my deck review, and also enjoy other deck reviews that I add to this site. I have a passion for exploring new decks and also finding various ways of connecting to my intuition. I appreciate you checking out my site and taking the time to read my review.
Happy Reading!