Card Drawing April 10, 2016
Happy day. soul friends!
This week's oracle messages come from the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Deck by Toni Carmine Salerno.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
1, 2, or 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you chose Card 1:
Angel of Addiction Healing
"This is a time of positive transformation and healing."
You are protected and loved by God and the many angels that surround you right now. Go and the angels are here to help, support, and heal you. They would like you to know that all can be healed through the light of love. All you need do is surrender any addiction which you wish to release and which no longer serves you, to God and the angels Invite them into your life and have faith in their ability to help you through this healing process as gently and lovingly as possible. Trust! This is a time of positive transformation and wondrous healing.
A suggested prayer:
Dear God, Angels, and Ascended Masters,
Help me to overcome my addition in the most gentle and loving way possible. Give me the strength, resolve, and courage to stick with my decision to quit. May your loving and healing light balance and heal me physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Help me feel the love and light which exists at the center of my being. Help me reconnect with my inner child who lovingly holds the purest essence of all I truly am.
Thank you dear God, Angels, and Ascended Masters.
If you picked Card 2:
Angel of Self-Worth
"You are currently undervaluing yourself; it is time to regain your self-worth."
You are currently undervaluing yourself. You are so much more than what you are portraying to the world and those around you. The Angel of Self-Worth is here today to reflect unto you all the beauty, love, and light that you are and to help you regain your sense of self-worth.
Feel her healing light penetrate your aura this very moment and affirm yourself:
I am a being of light and love. I love and value the many wonderful qualities I possess. From this moment forward, I will honor and value myself, all I am and all I do, in the knowledge that I am part of God's creation, I am worthy of love.
Repeat this affirmation several times each day either out loud or in the silence of your heart. Reflect upon each word and true believe and own each one. Express each word with all your heart and soul. As you begin to value yourself, you will find the others also start to value you.
If you were attracted to Card 3:
Angel of new Life
"An exciting new chapter of your life is about to unfold."
The Angel of New Life is here to announce that a new chapter of your life is about to unfold. Over the coming days and weeks you will begin to feel a sense of renewed clarity, purpose, and direction. New, magical and exciting things begin to happen as you are intuitively guided to explore new avenues and possibilities for your life. Through this process you will uncover aspects yourself that you didn't know you had. Embrace this new and exciting period of your life and know tat the past is now behind you. Your life is forever changing and you are forever evolving to ever greater spheres of light and live through the wondrous spirit of creation. Enjoy the journey and all the blessings coming your way.
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for the week. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!