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Card Drawing November 22, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week's oracle messages come from the Numerology Guidance Deck by Michelle Buchanan.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

1, 2, or 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.



.........did you choose yours, yet?

If you chose Card 1: 61 - Self-Love

This card indicates a need to focus your attention on loving and believing in yourself. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to make your relationship with yourself your number one priority, as this is the key to happiness and the manifestations of your dreams. Rather than dwell upon your shortcomings, you must accept and embrace who you are. It is now time to start treating yourself like a friend by replacing your negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Statements that affirm that you're lovable, worthy, and perfect just as you are help raise your energy vibration and improve your life circumstances. Set aside time to write down all the things you admire about yourself, such as your sense of humor, your smile, or your capacity to love. Every little thing costs, and nothing is insignificant or minor. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life - cycles that are encouraging you to love and believe in yourself. Remember, you're an ongoing work in progress, and you didn't choose to come here to be "the perfect person with the perfect life." Everything in your life is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. So nurture yourself with love.

Affirmation - I love and believe in myself, and make my dreams come true.

If you were drawn to Card 2:

5 - Change

This card indicates that a time of expected and unexpected change, when anything can happen and usually does. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to think of your life as an adventure in which exciting opportunities could appear at any moment. Rather than fearing the unfamiliar and unknown, you are urged to embrace expansion, movement, and change.

This is a time to go with the flow and open yourself to opportunities that will improve your quality of life. Anything is possible, and the wheels are set in motion, so be sure to play your part by moving closer to your dreams. You may be called upon to make changes in your mindset, relationships, residence, lifestyle, or career - wherever a shift is needed to serve your greater good. It is time to broaden your horizons and re-spark your passion for life. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life - cycles that are leading you toward a time of movement and change. Procrastination, resistance, and fear only take you out of alignment, so surrender yourself to the opportunities tat are about to present themselves. Trust that you're Divinely loved and guided, and you'll be shown the way.

Affirmation - I accept, and surrender to, the changes that improve my quality of life.

If you picked Card 3:

32 - Music

This card indicates a need to listen to music you enjoy in order to improve your health, well-being, and overall quality of life. Playing, singing, composing, or listening to beautiful music that fills your heart with joy automatically raises your vibration and enhances your connection to Source. Because you attract what you FEEL in this magnetic, vibrational world, when you consistently feel good, you can make your dreams come true.

Music is the ultimate way to bring yourself into alignment, because it only take a few minutes to sing your favorite song in the shower, rather than worry about your day; listen to inspirational music while driving, rather than stress about the traffic; or play your favorite CD while doing housework, rather than fret about the mess.In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life - cycles that are encouraging you to listen to music that you love. It truly has the power to heal your body and your life. When you fill your heart with music, you can manifest your dreams.

Affirmation - The healing power of music brings me closer to my dreams.

I hope you enjoyed this week's card drawing! Come back next week for more affirmations and messages of grace! Have a lovely week, wherever you are!

Black Sky


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