
Our Angels come to us when we feel our own faith is slipping away and there is nothing or no one that can help make our circumstances any better. In fact in those moments we may actually have great faith that things can only get worse! They remind us to turn your faith back towards the light and watch as the miracles begin to flow! Even during those times when we don't have much Faith in ourselves, we can still develop a stronger Faith in The Higher. We may simply need to say "I may not know exactly what to do in this moment but I know that The Divine within me does. And I can rely on that which is within me to lead me to where I need to be right now". We cultivate the energy of Faith each time that we affirm that there is a Power and Light within us that always knows what is best for us, that always knows how to Guide us to what we desire in life and is always Loving us unconditionally, no matter what. We cultivate Faith when we ask The Universe to Bless us with the energy of Faith and here too, when we ask for this or anything else, it is always given. It is not for us to be concerned as to how it shall come about, for that is the work of The Universe. All we need do is to affirm that we have Faith that all is indeed well and that each day our lives shall expand and improve in wondrous ways.
Our Angels come to us when we feel our own faith is slipping away and there is nothing or no one that can help make our circumstances any better. In fact in those moments we may actually have great faith that things can only get worse! They remind us to turn your faith back towards the light and watch as the miracles begin to flow! Even during those times when we don't have much Faith in ourselves, we can still develop a stronger Faith in The Higher. We may simply need to say "I may not know exactly what to do in this moment but I know that The Divine within me does. And I can rely on that which is within me to lead me to where I need to be right now". We cultivate the energy of Faith each time that we affirm that there is a Power and Light within us that always knows what is best for us, that always knows how to Guide us to what we desire in life and is always Loving us unconditionally, no matter what. We cultivate Faith when we ask The Universe to Bless us with the energy of Faith and here too, when we ask for this or anything else, it is always given. It is not for us to be concerned as to how it shall come about, for that is the work of The Universe. All we need do is to affirm that we have Faith that all is indeed well and that each day our lives shall expand and improve in wondrous ways.