Good day, soul friends! Happy May! Can't believe how this year is moving along. Hope your week was wonderful. I am glad it is warming up a bit here now and I am thankful for longer, sunny days!
Today's guidance comes from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you selected Card 1:
Spirals of Manifestation
The creative, rebellious path of love moves in spirals. It is not linear. Sometimes our mind decides that the way forward is to take clear steps from one point to the next logical point. However, there is a genius within that can guide us on an alternative route. If there is an unnecessary pothole or delay in the typical linear path of progression and the curved loop in the path will be quicker, more fun and more beautiful, then why not allow yourself to be guided to that path? This can happen through trust and wisdom rather than rigid adherence to what on the surface appears to be logical progression.
You are in the midst of a spiral of manifestation. Something is coming into being, even if you think it is further away than ever before. How amazing it will seem when what you have been dreaming of, falls into place. Suddenly what you have been thinking of creating will plonk into your reality, seemingly out of nowhere - because it was just around the bend, just out of view on the spiral of manifestation and you could not see it coming. In truth, it was coming to you all along!
This oracle has a message for you. Sometimes when we feel the furthest away from what we want, we are actually closer than ever before. Just one turn on the spiral loop of creation can see your manifestation taking root in the world. You must hold true to your faith and keep working on your progress. Forget about believing it when you are seeing it! Any old soul - or young soul - can do that! You are a bigger, braver, more ancient soul. You have enough chutpah to believe it so that you can see it sooner, bigger and brighter! Do not give in to those who tell you it should have happened already or that you have failed. They are just suffering from a lack of patience and understanding, as well as an arrogant assumption that their notion of timing is somehow superior to the greater divine timing at play in life. Be in good will with yourself and the universe. All is unfolding perfectly whether you feel it right now or not.
This oracle also brings a message to you about the perfect synchronicities that are taking place in your life. You may have started to notice these already. When we live from the heart, honor our creative center and choose unlikely but lovingly rebellious ways to be in the world, we will begin to notice synchronicity every day. It is as though the universe is speaking to us intimately, on all matters - which of course, it is.
This oracle reminds you that there is no point rushing to the bus stop. If you are way too early, you are just wasting your time. Better to live your life at a more appropriate pace and get there at the right time. You don’t need the anxiety that comes from rushing towards your destiny. Try not to worry quite so much about the future. You will attract what you want and need so much more enjoyably if you relax and deal with the here and now.
Remember too that your life path is unfolding in harmony with the paths of others. You will meet with each other, for the greatest benefit, when you trust in the flow of the one, great, creative spiral upon which this galaxy spins. Everything is ultimately in harmony with everything else to fulfill the great, big, creative intent of the supreme, creative force of love. You are included in that. Lucky!
If you were drawn to Card 2:
Bring It Into Form
Beautiful dreamer, you can imagine wonderful world of light. You can dream up so many possibilities. Now it is time to bring those possibilities of light into the world. They need to be more than ideas. They need to bring more than ideas. They need to live, to manifest. The world needs not only your dreams, beautiful as they are, but also your creations. Get thee to thy desk! Thy easel! Thy computer! Work, beautiful dreamer. Don’t just dream, create!
You are being asked to honor yourself with a commitment to complete your inspired tasks. This will help you to grow and that is a wonderful reason to commit. But, there is another reason too - you know that your inspired ideas are worth translating into practical forms so that other people can access them and experience something special too.
If you have been thinking about writing a book, painting a picture or acting on an inspiration or idea, then this oracle is bringing you an unequivocal YES! Do it. Now. Don’t dally or dither about the details or worry about how it is all going to work out. The universe loves a bold spirit. Once you take a step, it will rush towards you like an enthusiastic and chivalrous lover - opening doors, hand gently guiding at your lower back - as you are moved forward. You will promptly be provided with all that is needed to take the next step.
There is sacrifice inherent in translating the perfection of an idea into the limited physical form. Although something may be lost when turning a multi-dimensional concept of endless potential into something concrete, this oracle guides you to realize that there is much more to be gained. You must become free of this inspiration so that you can receive your next inspiration. It is already waiting for you. So, on you must go.
This oracle also confirms that the information you need to translate your ideas into form will be provided according to the higher wisdom of life. It may or may not happen by traditional routes. Even if it seems unimaginable, when it is time for something to be born into form, nothing can stop it. It will happen!
If you chose Card 3:
Relax the Hold of Darkness and Be At Cause Dear sacred rebel, this moment in your life requires great courage. Fortunately you possess that in bucket loads. You are being asked to allow yourself to be lifted out of one level of known reality and into the next level of higher voltage reality. Higher voltage reality requires a more absolute trust and a heart that is surrendered into the greater heart of the universe, so that life can happen to us, through us, and with us, more quickly, more radically, more beautifully and more boldly. You are now being invited into this new reality where things happen quickly and according to bold, loving optimism. This is a reality not only of potential, but of manifestation of the great, big, cosmic YES! To access this reality, you have to leap from known waters and others may think you are crazy for doing so. You have to leave behind the dark weighty grip of hesitation, procrastination, second guessing and the belief you have to do everything on your own. You may fear for your life! How will you be safe in the wild, electrical pulse of so much aliveness? How will you function without the hazy, sleep-inducing paralysis of playing it safe, taking too long and placing lesser priorities above your sacred art of life? How will you hold yourself back in you don't hold on to fear? You do not need to worry about such things. Life is wild, but it is also wise. Detach from the darkness that would say it is not enough or must be the best thing ever - whatever that means - in order to be worthy of a place in the world. It is a force of startling raw awakening at times, but it is also the natural process of evolution where things mature according to a seasonal cycle, in right timing.
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!