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Card Drawing December 8, 2019

Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was magical! Things have been chaotic for me but trying to just keep up and work through life. Music, tea and coffee, random dancing, extra sleep this weekend and just being a bit gentle are helping me get through it all.

Today's guidance comes from the 78 Tarot Astral Tarot in Space deck written by Trish Sullivan.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

Seven of Cups - This card is giving you a wake-up call. You've got so many options in front of you, so many things on your plate right now that you've lost your focus. Consequently, you're stagnating, getting lost in your dream-worlds, fantasies and imagination. Thinking only in terms of "what ifs" rather than taking control and saying "what now?" It's time to cut through the chaos, make some choices, and take some decisive actions. Dreams and good intentions are wonderful, in their place, but they're useless without determination, resolve and hard work to back them up. Achieving your dreams takes effort, not just ideas. Make a start. Choose one thing at a time, and get it done. Keywords: Temptation, decisions, illusions

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Page of Wands - This is a time to grab at life with both hands and see where spontaneity and passion can lead you. Go on a journey of discovery - take a chance, be impulsive and play outside the rules for a change! Have some fun, be spontaneous, indulge in your passions and creativity - tackle a new challenge, or try a novel approach with an older issues. If only for a short while, try to ignore your daily cares and worries, the stresses and doubts that come with day to day life, and have some fun! The Page of Wands can also signify a person around you - a young person, or one young at heart. This is someone who jumps into life, rather than walking through it. An energetic person who brings you chances for passion and creativity, offering you an opportunity to indulge your more adventurous side, the parts of you who yearn to throw caution to the winds and grab some excitement. Keywords: Originality, creativity, enthusiasm

If you chose Card 3:

King of Pentacles - An opulent King wanders his land, master of all he surveys. His wealth obvious as coins dance above one hand. But his other is turned down, funneling his energy toward the very earth that sustains him and his subjects. Ever working, ever giving, an endless cycle of prosperity. It's time for a grounded, balanced viewpoint. To remember how much hard work it has taken to get you where you are, and the sacrifices you made along the way. To make good on your commitments, acting responsibly, fulfilling promises before relaxing. Knowing that even when you take pride in what you've achieved, work will be waiting for you tomorrow. The King of Pentacles can also suggest a reliable, successful and generous figure around you - someone who works, and plays hard, remembering their roots and always willing to invest time and energy in others, to share the secrets of their success. The kind of person who gives as much as they receive. Keywords: Steady, reliable, powerful, abundant

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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