Card Drawing January 15, 2017
Hello! Good day, soul friends! I hope you enjoyed this year's first full moon. I know for me personally it was extremely enlightening, electrifying, and renewing.
Don't forget to purchase your Four Month Tarotscope Email Readings and New Years Email Readings before the end of the month!
Today's guidance comes from the Shades of Magick Tarot deck by Jess Gore.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3..

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you chose Card 1:
The Lovers - "The love of choice through the adventure."
The Lovers card is all about choice - the power of choice we have in the love we invite into our lives. This stretches from romantic and intimate love to loving oneSelf and on's life. This card represents that you are calling in aligned vibrations of love and union, whether it be that you are ready for a romantic union that reflects your soul's desires, or simply fun company. Receiving the Lovers suggests uplifting and radiant heart surging feelings of connection and mutual appreciation.
Perhaps yo have reached a place within yourself where you are loving and accepting of your journey and yourSelf. This can feel like a spiritual experience of the deepest kind of love, leaving you in full appreciation and gratitude for your life.
This may also be confirmation that a decision or new decision or new direction you are considering embarking on will lead to fulfillment and abundance.
Love comes in an array of forms. It is a wonderful time to begin to ask yourself how you want to feel and what kind of love you desire across the depth and breadth of your life. Make choices that are your own truth.

If you picked Card 2:
Ace of Swords - "Potent power, clear thinking, spiritual insight."
There is not a lot that can stop you right now! The force and power that lies behind you a this time is potent. The Ace of Swords has cited you the insight you have been seeing for some time regarding a situation or issues at hand leading you to reach such dynamic clarity of thought that all other distractions or complexities fall away. However, it is somewhat of a double edged sword, as the more you push for truth the further away you get from it. So relax. Take the path of least resistance.
This is a period of where you are full of original thought, calling for you to seize opportunities as they surface. If you are emerging from a difficult period, this is a wonderful card to receive: the fog is lifting and you are returning to your center, re-calibrated and ready. It is wise for you to use lessons you have learn in a beneficial way for the greater good of yourSelf and those around you. You may be ready to pursue new opportunities such as learning a new skill or further study.
Decisions are to be made and actions are to be taken; your consciousness is reading expanded levels of awareness and spiritual connection. Use this to your advantage.

If you selected Card 3:
Nine of Cups - "The fruits of alignment."
A sign of harmony, abundance, and satisfaction - you are now experiencing the emotional and material reward of going within and aligning yourSelf and your life. The Nine of Cups reflects happiness and dreams come true. The fears you once held in regard to whether you would succeed in creating a life that reflects your soul has now disappeared. You've done it! And you are now spurred on to continue to create with vitality and light.
This is about counting your blessings, acknowledging the hard work you have put in, both spiritually and physically and of having grown your life to the point you've now come to. Tae a breather, your foundations are solid and your worries are in the past. Enjoy the deep sense of contentment that fills your belly and brings tears of joy to your eyes.
This is an emotionally fulfilling time, indicating that relationships may be blossoming and blooming, friendships and business opportunities are solidifying and your finances are on the up and up. You have paved your way to success, and it's now about sharing and celebrating with others, enjoying life's pleasures. You have healed the past and are ready to powerfully create more of what your heart desires.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!