Card Drawing February 28, 2016
Good Sunday, my beautiful soul friends! I just purchased this deck and would love to try it out! It is the Mind/Body Makeover Card deck by Mona Lisa Schulz.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
1, 2, or 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you chose Card 1:
We may wonder about the phrase "healthy love". Isn't all love healthy? When could love possibly be unbalanced? Just as it's important to have a balanced daily diet, it's critical to experience balanced levels of all five basic emotions. Being open to feeling sadness, anger, fear, love and joy allows all channels of wisdom and intuition to be available. It's easy to see how chronic anxiety or depression increases our risk of disease. However, there are several instances when "over-love" can be unhealthy. - Love that reenacts trauma. For mammy of us who have experienced abuse, love is a double-edged sword. Women and men who've experienced trauma frequently fall in love with someone who resembles their perpetuator. In this particular scenario, love is NOT healthy. Survivors of rape and incest are more likely to experience later abusive partnerships, and are also more inclined to sugar from chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction. Unhealthy Thought - "One of the most important parts of a loving relationship is that someone gives me what I need. When I love someone, they are my 'better half'; they complete me." Healthy Thought - "If I cannot get a need met in a relationship, I am able to get that need satisfied in some other way. I am a whole person whether I am alone or with someone." In a healthy relationship, both people must be able of taking care of their own emotional and physical needs. If a wife or husband has long-term emotional, physical, and financial problems, it's best that they try to get professional help outside the relationship. If a spouse becomes a permeant caregiver, everyone's relationships are likely to deteriorate. Ultimately, true, healthy love is between two people who, alone are happy and whole, but together become even better.
If you were attracted to Card 2:
Chronic anxiety (or panic) may be the most difficult emotion to heal because it's such a central part of our intuitive guidance system. For some people, this part of their brain's intuitive warning system gets excessively sensitive and too easily triggered similar to a fire alarm going off when they're making toast. If we listen t the immediate intuitive message begin our right brain's fear, we can heal it, release it, and move on. However, if the fear int appropriately resounded to, like a weed in a garden, it can take over our thoughts. When nervous energy reverberates in our mind/body, biochemical changes cause chronic anxiety, panic attacks, and health problems.
Picking one of the fear cards today may indicate that anxiety resides in our life, causing unhappiness and discomfort. Anxiety causes many health problems, including allergies, colds and flu, stomach upset, nausea, IBS, hot flashes, cold chills, jitteriness, heart palpitations, skin rashes, and other concerns.
Unhealthy Thought - "If I ignore a problem, it will go away."
Healthy Thought - "When it comes to a problem that makes me anxious, I approach it and do not avoid it. I have an unlimited resource of courage and spirit within me."
Even though we think we can ignore a problem, sooner or later our intuition brings it to our attention. At first, the right brain will create subtle feelings of fear, the signal that there's a problem. If tension and uneasiness don't get our attention, then our emotional intuition will escalate to anxiety and panic. Simultaneously, a biochemical cascade between our right brain and body creates symptoms of illness including ulcers, asthma, heart palpitations, rashes, and other health problems.
People who experience chronic anxiety often struggle with something in their life that they don't yet know how to handle. Ignoring our intuitive feelings as they manifest through anxiety and panic won't help us move forward in life. By approaching a problem head-on, we develop a sense of mastery, which is the antidote for anxiety.
If you were attracted to Card 3:
We may wonder about the phrase "healthy love". Isn't all love healthy? When could love possibly be unbalanced? Just as it's important to have a balanced daily diet, it's critical to experience balanced levels of all five basic emotions. Being open to feeling sadness, anger, fear, love and joy allows all channels of wisdom and intuition to be available. It's easy to see how chronic anxiety or depression increases our risk of disease. However, there are several instances when "over-love" can be unhealthy.
- Love that reenacts trauma. For mammy of us who have experienced abuse, love is a double-edged sword. Women and men who've experienced trauma frequently fall in love with someone who resembles their perpetuator.
In this particular scenario, love is NOT healthy. Survivors of rape and incest are more likely to experience later abusive partnerships, and are also more inclined to sugar from chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction.
Healthy Love, 1
Unhealthy Thought - "If I am needed, I feel loved, appreciated, and accepted." Healthy Thought - "I now nurture others as much as I nurture myself. I am lovable even when I am not nurturing or giving someone something."
A lot of people try to earn love by being indispensable. After a meal, are we the first ones up from the table to clean up? Are we mediators of conflicts when people around us are in a dispute? Are we the ones whom everyone always goes to when they have a crisis? If the answers to any of these questions is yes, then we need to be needed, and our way of loving others in unhealthy.
If we're like type O blood, we're the universal donors....always the nurturers. Over time, we'll be surrounded by needy, dependent people.
Healthy love is truly unconditional, not contingent on our perennially sacrificing ourselves. Some people, "modern-day martyrs," have homes tat are essentially rehab centers: Their partner is usually "creative" and "sensitive" but hasn't worked for years, their adult children still live at home but add little to the financial resources of the house, and an elderly parent needs constant assistance to and from doctors' appointments. All relationships have their ups and downs, but if ours involve us being forever the nurturers, our love is unbalanced and unhealthy.
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!