Card Drawing February 14, 2016
Happy Valentine's Day, my loves!
This week's oracle messages come from the Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
1, 2, or 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you chose Card 1:
New Vitality
Keywords - Revitalize; Focus, Enthusiasm, Joy
There is great potential to revitalize your relationships right now, both with others and with yourself. Seize this energy, and infuse more warmth and enthusiasm into all of your relationships. Have fun with other people, and feel how this will lift your energy and spirits. This raised rate of vibration will assist in improving current relationships and in drawing new relationships to you.
See your loved ones in a different light. For the time being, set aside any difficulties. Focus on humorous and loving aspects, and think of creative ways to add more laughter to your life. The more joy you add, the greater the energy level and the higher the vibration, bringing beautifully renewed vitality. Let your relationships sparkle! Your Spirit Guides are ready to help you with this. Ask them for assistance.
If you picked Card 2:
Helpless and Hopeless
Keywords - Restricted, Obstacles, Powerless, Action
While the title of this card may sound bleak, don't let it scare you. This card carries as a wake-up call to adjust your thinking about a situation or relationship. You may feel that obstacles have been placed in your way, preventing you from achieving your dreams around love. You may think that your situation is beyond hope andthat you are powerless to improve it.
Nothing could be further from the truth, however. All that is required is a willingness to take action. Assess your current state of affairs, and decide what needs to change. Then take decisive steps to make those changes andmove yourself into a position of empowerment. By taking action, you take charge of the situation. Feel the power in that! Recognize that you DO have the ability to create the relationship of your dreams. Nothing can hold you back unless you let it. Take care, step into your power, and watch your relationships flourish
If you were drawn to Card 3:
Clarity of Belief
Keywords - Define, Communicate, Beliefs, Transformation
When you have gained clarity, gently comminicate this to other people with whom you're in a relaitonship. Explain how you would like to see the relationships change or grow, and exchange ideas on how each of you might alter your behavior to make this happen. Act upon your new insights, and transform your relationships!
A man stands amid swirls of pink and blue, with a butterfly fluttering off from his left hand, and his right hand over his heart. He trusts enough in what he believes in to release possibility to the Universe. This card is well-matched to the spread position - a new clarity in thoughts, a new way of seeing the world. I like the hand on his heart: things become clearest when we don’t just see them or think them, but feel them, too. And although thought comes from the mind, belief goes deeper than th
Go enter my giveaway which ends tonight on Instagram. I am giving away 4 different types of readings! Plus, I teamed up with 11 other accounts who are all giving away their own services and products, so you have 12 chances to win something from 12 different accounts!
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for the week. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!