Card Drawing May 17, 2020

Good day, soul friends! Happy May! Hope your week was magical! Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes and also for being so kind to me. Here's to another year of life.

Today's guidance comes from the Connected and Free Alchemist's Oracle deck by Inner Hue and the Empowered Visions Affirmations Mandala deck by Michelle Pazicni.

Which set of cards do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected the set of Cards 1:

Endings -

This card signifies that something in your life requires closure and needs to end. This may be something that occurs voluntarily or involuntarily, however a level of participation from you is required. Whether it is you that actively closes the door, or you releasing the handle on the door that was closed of you, an ending is required and near. Althoughthis may be a time of sadness, know that this is the circle of life and that rebirth, new growth and transformation always follow once tried has passed.

Self control is the key, in regards to endings. You will be required to act from a combination of emotion and intellect, and then your relationships will be allowed to thrive and grow. Be sure that your influences are gentle and loving, even as you move forward. This was not a time for domination. This card is a reminder to come from compassion and understanding rather than anger or frustration. Now is the time for steadiness, patience, and clear thinking. Make sure that you learn how to control your emotions and embrace peace.

Remember every ending harbors the opportunities of new beginnings!

"I can handle anything with determination & courage" -

This card challenges us to move away from our preoccupations with other spaces and other times, and stay alert to what is happening in the here and now. Life is a great ocean in which you can play if you drop all your judgments, your preferences and the attachment to the details of your long term plans. Be available to what comes your way, as it comes. And do not worry if you stumble or fall, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, have a good laugh, and carry on.

If you picked the set of Cards 2:

Feeling & Form -

The challenges you face can be bolstered through the practice of anchoring in your vision and evoking the aligned feelings to support you. The deep Soul yearnings that lie within wishing to be created and experienced but feel far away or out of your reach are simply because they are not energized enough yet. Density is just a matter of how energized something is and in what way it is energized. Immerse yourself into the energies of your desires to keep you on track and make manifest. So, raise it up! Lift your vibes and access the forever available buffet of Universal goodness to move you through this space, opening you to originally unseen avenues for you to explore. Every heart that earnestly requests will be shown. Be receptive to what then shows up.

Respect your inner voice as the powerful life force that connects you to the Divine. Look inward and listen. We are being asked now to be particularly receptive to what our bodies and minds may have to tell us. When we feel light and expansive and safe, this is also a sign that we are going in the right direction.

Trust what you feel as you bring your dreams into form!

"Don't be ashamed of your story: it will inspire others." -

This is the right time to heal those past memories that have been holding you hostage. Forgive others and yourself so that your wishes, desires, and goals have a clear, unobstructed path to your heart, soul, and life. Remember: the soul constantly draws to itself what it needs in order to learn and grow. This acts as a reminder to hold on to the beneficial feelings from accepting and receiving what you've asked or strived for. Know that these will assist you in the future when you may need inspiration and positive energy.

If you chose the set of Cards 3:

Heart -

This beautiful card signifies that you have called into your life an opportunity to be and experience love. This can come in the form of a relationships, a deeper appreciation for your life or a step closer in the adventure of creating your dreams. There is abundant energy around you right now to utilize and nourish yourself with. Open up to the energies and synchronicities and be ready for some fast paced, love based momentum. You are standing at the beginning of a great journey.

This oracle brings a message for you - trust the passion and the fire of your heart to guide your decisions now. What would make you feel most alive? Choose that. If you are feeling a lack of genuine passion in your life, take comfort that it is awakening in your own heart now, bringing something that has been long in rest, back to life.

The heart knows what the mind cannot uncover. Trust the messages you receive from your heart!

"You had a purpose before anyone had an opinion." -

Discernment is called for at this time. It means seeing truth from a neutral, non-judging and detached perspective. This helps you recognize the true value and potential, intention and capacity of everything in your life. Your life purpose is for you to discover and this encourages you to step onto the path with strength and courage. Connect to a deeper aspect of yourself, your wisdom, and your soul’s purpose here on Earth. Events, situations, inspirations, and actions occurring right now are all part of the plan aligning and connecting you to your life purpose. Don't let others dictate what you know is your truth.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

